How to find the right logo for you?
What problem have you solved? Example: Spanx solved the panty line in business pants. It is an undergarment. It solved the problem of the panty line.
Service-based example: I am a content creator. I am a communications expert content creator. I know what I do. I know I solve the issues that businesses have not allotted time or employees to manage. I am for the business professional who does not want to spend the whole day looking at color samples and ad strategies. The just get it done girl.
3. Now that you know WHO you are talking to and WHAT to talk to them about you need to tell them WHY they need it. This can be an analogy, strategy, or elevator speech. Any of the above must end with a call to action.
-I am a communications expert content creator that works specifically with clients in a quandary.-
This tells my potential client that I handle crisis well and will work well under pressure to find solutions without constantly bothering my client with unnecessary questions.
The why you need this service is your story or what I call a parable. Something short and easy to say more importantly easy to repeat. Once you have the story your logo will reveal itself from the context.
WHO: I am a communications expert content creator
WHAT: that works specifically with clients in a quandary
WHY: You created your company from nothing, we want to keep your roots raw and pure so that you can continue to produce a healthy business.
The LOGO: A Lemon.
The lemon has organic roots, it produces juice is plenty, adds flavor to life, quenches thirst, is always useful. This tells my client we see all the potential in what your company is and where it has come from and we want to translate that so that others see that as well.
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